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News - Fortnite: Battle Royale : Avengers-Event: Thanos in Aktion + weitere Details

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Gestern überraschte Epic Games mit der Ankündigung eines Crossover-Events zwischen zei der derzeit größten Entertainment-Marken: Fortnite und Marvel's Avengers. Jetzt gibt es weitere Details im veröffentlichten Patch-Log - und erste Szenen mit Thanos im Battle-Royale-Titel.

Epic Games hat gestern ein zeitlich begrenztes Crossover-Event in Fortnite mit Marvel's Avengers bzw. dem aktuellen Kinofilm "Avengers: Infinity War" angekündigt. Jetzt liegen mittlerweile auch das Patch-Log mit weiteren Details sowie erste Szenen mit Oberschurke Thanos vor.

Im neuen Spielmodus landet ein Meteor zu Beginn des Spiels in der Safe Zone und bringt unter anderem das Infinity Gauntlet mit in die Spielwelt. Wer sich dieses sichert, wird zu Thanos transformiert und kann als dieser munter loswüten. Thanos verfügt über vier Fertigkeiten, darunter ein mächtiger Schlag, durch den Gegner nicht nur zurückgeschleudert, sondern auch Gebäude zerstört werden. Außerdem kann er auf den Boden aufschlagen, um Gegner zurückzuwerfen und diesen Schaden zuzufügen. Dank Power Stone kann er per Fernangriff Schaden zufügen und ein Super-Jump hilft Thanos auch über die größten Hindernisse.

Thanos verfügt weiterhin über Schilde und Gesundheitspunkte. Wenn er einen anderen Spieler ausschaltet, regenerieren die Schilde; die Gesundheitspunkte regenerieren dagegen nie. Der Charakter nimmt von Abstürzen keinen Schaden und kann mit menschlichen Dingen wie Waffen & Co. nichts anfangen. Wird Thanos gekillt, kann jeder Spieler das Infinity Gauntlet aufheben und zu Thanos mutieren. Eine Partie ist auf rund 15 Minuten Spielzeit beschränkt.

Avengers-Kostüme wird es im Zuge des Events übrigens leider nicht zu erwerben geben. Im Übrigen könnt ihr alle weiteren Details dem Patch-Log weiter unten entnehmen.

Fortnite – Limited Time Infinity Gauntlet patch notes

Thanos Abilities

  • Ability 1 – A mighty punch that knocks enemies back and destroys structures.
  • Ability 2 – Thanos flies towards the ground, hitting an area for knockback and damage.
  • Ability 3 – Harness the energy of the Power stone to fire a blast that deals damage over time.
  • Ability 4 – A super-jump that can vault Thanos over all but the largest obstructions.
  • Thanos has both shields and health. When he eliminates another player, his shields regenerate. His health never regenerates.
  • Thanos doesn’t take fall damage.
  • Thanos does not build, use weapons or things like launch pads. He has no need for such petty human devices.

Storm + Map

  • Maximum match length is roughly 15 minutes.
  • The match will start with the storm circle already closing in over the island.
  • The storm does more damage than normal, ticking for 5% health during the first circle and 10% for the rest of the game.


  • Only Rare, Epic & Legendary weapons will be spawned.
  • Increased chances of treasure chests spawning from 50-70% to 80-90%.
  • Increased chances of ammo boxes spawning from 65-80% to 85-95%.
  • Floor Loot spawns nearly 100% of the time.
  • Launchpad spawn likelihood greatly increased.
  • Harvesting resources doubled.
  • Resources found in loot increased from 30 to 60.
  • Chug Jug, Port-A-Fort, Boogie Bomb, Slurp Juice, Bush, and Remote Explosives drop rate increased.
  • Regular Grenade, Shield & Bandage drop rate lowered.
  • Gameplay
  • Increased the likelihood of the final circle ending near the outer areas of the map by 25%.
  • Improve the variety of ending scenarios to outside the central region of the map.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that allowed Sprays to camouflage Remote Explosives, Clingers, and Damage Traps.
  • Fixed building preview not being rotatable when overlapping an existing building while using a controller.
  • Fixed soccer game effects not playing when scoring.
  • Fixed a couple of issues that caused the player camera to position itself under the water in Loot Lake.
  • Fixed the collision on the tire stacks so players will bounce when walking into them again.
  • Fixed a hole in Dusty Divot that players could get stuck in.
  • Fixed an area where players were able to hide under the terrain and damage players from below.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Turbo Building to not work properly if the player was holding down the build button before switching to build mode.
  • Fixed a chest at the prison that would be empty upon opening it.


  • You can now join the party of players that are already in a match.
  • Party members in-match will appear holographic in the lobby and will give you time and player count updates.
  • Season 4 topics added to the in-game Battle Pass FAQ.
  • Removed the loading screen that was displayed when transitioning from the starting island to the Battle Bus.
  • Fixed the minimap briefly showing the wrong location after being eliminated.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some icons on the UI to misalign after switching in and out of build mode.


  • Lowered the volume of Hop Rocks.
  • Lowered the volume of the Valor Glider.
  • Re-added the sound of the Supply Drop’s balloon popping when opened or when shot down.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Allow Background Audio’ setting wouldn’t save.

Weapons + Items

  • Jump Pad health bars will now update properly when damaged.
  • Fixed an issue that made it difficult to pick up items that were dropped behind the tires in a Port-A-Fort.
  • The Port-A-Fort can no longer destroy the meteor in Dusty Divot.

Art + Animation

  • Emotes now perform better on different characters (hands will connect, legs won’t be over-extended, etc).
  • Updated the Banner image for Battle Pass tier 69 to now be correct image.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Royale Flags Back Bling to stretch when previewing it in the Locker.
  • Fixed an issue causing character’s helmets to sometimes float above their heads.
  • Fixed distant characters not animating properly if they had never been rendered before.
  • Fixed characters popping between levels of detail when more than one character was around the same distance away.


  • Improved overall frame rate when many characters are visible by optimizing movement and update rates.
  • Delayed triggering the “Game Over” HUD, which caused a hitch on death.
  • Optimized Spray Paint contrails.
  • Optimized content in frontend lobby map.
  • Added more logging to get more info on hard-to-reproduce hitches.
  • Fixed hitching caused by audio log spam.
  • Reduced backend system logging that may have impacted performance.
  • Improved async loading time during level streaming by fixing an issue where shrubbery was trying to load but had no mesh.
  • Replay System
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Replays from saving.
  • Mobile
  • Temporarily disabled new autorun functionality due to some unintentional actions occurring when using it.
  • Optimized memory on mobile to address out-of-memory crashes.
Fortnite: Battle Royale - Infinity Gauntlet Limited Time Mashup Trailer
Mit "Infinity Gauntlet Limited Time Mashup" ist heute der Event-Spielmodus rund um den aktuellen Avengers-Kinofilm in Fortnite gestartet.

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