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Patch - Drox Operative : Weiterer Beta-Patch für MacOS

  • PC
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  • achievements are now permanent, immediate, and tell you when you have achieved them
  • effects are simulated better at lower frame rates
  • no longer create/free particle models each time (a bit faster and should fragment memory less)
  • no longer change color, texture coord, or vertex array setting if hasn't changed
  • ai has less of a chance to wake up other ai now
  • now each race has a max number of civilian ships they can have out at one time
  • non-leader ai ships no longer activate other ai
  • ai destroyed by ai away from the player no longer drop loot
  • once a race's total number of military ships gets above a certain size, each fleet has to be a little smaller
  • now cull out more effects when too far from players
  • first level can now be purged of entities

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Informationen zum Download:

Dateiname: droxmacpatch0920.zip
Dateigrösse: 7 MB

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